At CEI, we’ve been creating sales enablement tools for our customers for over ten years. We start by understanding your company, products, and selling challenges. From there, we work with you to develop the right solution. Think of us as an extension of your marketing team. We’re here to help your team close more sales.

Video Games Help You Demo & Sell Create Buy-In Through Visualization Show Off Your Facility in High Resolution


  • Interactive Presentations
  • Interactive Virtual Navigation (IVN)
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Corporate Videos
  • Matterport 3D Facility Tours
  • Virtual Events & Exhibits
  • BizBOOK: Content Distribution Platform

Wayne IVN iOS App Patio Enclosures AR iOS App H-P Matterport Tour


  • Ensures each salesperson has all your products with them
  • Increases audience engagement
  • Educates prospects regarding your capabilities
  • Creates a confident buyer
  • Provides a fun experience to share on Zoom or Teams


This whitepaper contains a sales enablement tool matrix detailing the unique sales challenges that each of our tools is best suited to solve, along with typical range pricing. Discover how the right sales enablement tool can help you advance buyers in the sales process, improve your close rate, and increase sales.

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Empower your Sales team to overcome Zoom fatigue!

Please join Brian Walters and Brett Marriner as they host a webinar discussing next level sales enablement tools. They will demonstrate CEI’s unique interactive solutions and present various options to help your sales team overcome Zoom fatigue. You’ll learn useful tips and strategies to advance buyers in the sales process, improve your close rate, and increase sales.

3D Tablet Apps, Augmented Reality, Videos, Virtual Facilities & Exhibits

Thank you for filling out the form. Click the link below.

Sales Enablement Webinar


“CEI is really a strategic partner to Mactac. They’ve helped us find new ways to connect with markets, customers, and their in-house interactive media group has been invaluable.”

Ed LaForge
CEO & President, Mactac North America

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